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Moxa's dedication to being a trusted provider of serial connectivity is demonstrated by our long-term commitment to serial products and service availability. Our PCI Express, Universal PCI, and PCI serial boards are built for industrial applications, and include models that can operate reliably in a wide temperature range.
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CP-102E CP-102EL-DB9M Moxa CP-102N-I-T
Our Price: $94.16
Our Price: $94.16
Our Price: $326.35
Moxa 2 port PCIE RS232 serial board w/DB9M ports Moxa 2 port PCIE RS232 serial board w/DB9M cable (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 2-port RS232 Mini PCI Express serial board w/ 2.5 kV capacitive isolation (extended temperature model)
Moxa CP-102N-T CP-104EL-A CP-104EL-A-DB25M
Our Price: $176.55
CP-104EL-A w/o Cable
Our Price: $184.84
Our Price: $220.69
Moxa 2-port RS232 Mini PCI Express serial board (extended temperature model) Moxa 4 Port PCIE RS232 serial board (Rev. A) (requires cable) (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4 Port PCIE RS232 serial board (Rev. A) w/DB25M cable (includes low and full profile brackets)
CP-104EL-A-DB9M Moxa CP-104N-I-T Moxa CP-104N-T
Our Price: $220.69
Our Price: $555.33
Our Price: $309.23
Moxa 4 Port PCIE RS232 serial board (Rev. A) w/DB9M cable (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4-port RS232 Mini PCI Express serial board w/ 2.5 kV capacitive isolation (extended temperature model) Moxa 4-port RS232 Mini PCI Express serial board (extended temperature model)
CP-114EL CP-114EL-DB25M CP-114EL-DB9M
Our Price: $308.43
Our Price: $315.92
Our Price: $315.92
Moxa 4 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board (requires cable) (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board w/DB25M cable (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board w/DB9M cable (includes low and full profile brackets)
CP-114EL-I CP-114EL-I-DB25M CP-114EL-I-DB9M
Our Price: $582.35
Our Price: $594.39
Our Price: $594.39
Moxa 4 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board w/optical isolation (requires cable) (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board w/DB25M cable & optical isolation (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board w/DB9M cable & optical isolation (includes low and full profile brackets)
Moxa CP-114N-T Moxa CP-116E-A Moxa CP-118E-A-I
Our Price: $401.25
CP-116E-A w/o cable
Our Price: $737.23
CP-118E-A-I w/o cable
Our Price: $808.65
Moxa 4-port RS232/422/485 Mini PCI Express serial board (extended temperature model) Moxa 16 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board w/surge
(requires cable)
Moxa 8 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board w/surge & isolation (requires cable)
CP-118EL-A CP-132EL-DB9M CP-132EL-I-DB9M
CP-118EL-A w/o Cable
Our Price: $487.12
Our Price: $208.65
Our Price: $387.34
Moxa 8 port PCIE RS232/422/485 serial board (Rev. A) (requires cable) (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 2 port PCIE RS422/485 serial board w/DB9M cable (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 2 port PCIE RS422/485 serial board w/DB9M cable & optical isolation (includes low and full profile brackets)
Moxa CP-132N-I-T Moxa CP-132N-T Moxa CP-134EL-A-I
Our Price: $326.35
Our Price: $176.55
CP-134EL-A-I w/o cable
Our Price: $403.66
Moxa 2-port RS422/485 Mini PCI Express serial board w/ 2.5 kV capacitive isolation (extended temperature model) Moxa 2-port RS422/485 Mini PCI Express serial board (extended temperature model) Moxa 4 port PCIE RS422/485 serial board w/surge & isolation (requires cable) (includes low and full profile brackets)
Moxa CP-134EL-A-I-DB25M Moxa CP-134EL-A-I-DB9M Moxa CP-134N-I-T
Our Price: $415.70
Our Price: $415.70
Our Price: $668.75
Moxa 4 port PCIE RS422/485 serial board w/DB25M cable, surge & isolation (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4 port PCIE RS422/485 serial board w/DB9M cable, surge & isolation (includes low and full profile brackets) Moxa 4-port RS422/485 Mini PCI Express serial board w/ 2.5 kV capacitive isolation (extended temperature model)
Moxa CP-138E-A-I CP-168EL-A
CP-138E-A-I w/o cable
Our Price: $732.68
CP-168EL-A w/o Cable
Our Price: $272.85
Moxa 8 port PCIE RS422/485 serial board w/surge & isolation (requires cable) Moxa 8 port PCIE RS232 serial board (Rev. A) (requires cable)